Critical violations are defined as a provision of the Retail Food Establishment Sanitation Requirements, Title 410 IAC 7-24 that, if in noncompliance, is more likely than other violations to significantly contribute to food contamination, illness, or environmental health hazard. Example: Hot food not being held at 135˚F. or warmer; cold food not at 41 degrees or below; or food contact surfaces contaminated.
Non-Critical violations are provisions of the Retail Food Establishment Sanitation Requirements, Title 410 IAC 7-24 that, if in noncompliance, is not likely to significantly contribute to food contamination, illness, or environmental health hazards but are issues of concern. Examples: No hair restraints; or mop being left in a mop bucket rather than being allowed to air dry.
Repeat violations are issued when a follow-up inspection finds that a previous issue has not been corrected and the establishment continues to be noncompliant and present a hazard.
1101A W. Commerce Street, Brownstown
3 Non-Critical (Restroom door must be self-closing, ceiling tiles missing above coolers and insulation is hanging down, Several missing floor tiles)
205 N. O’Brien St, Seymour
10 Critical Violations (Cooking food for restaurant use in a garage across the alley, employees not properly washing hands, serving adulterated food, obtaining food from an unapproved source, multiple pans of held over potentially hazardous foods with no date label, meat saw has build up of dried meat, multiple clean dishes found soiled, hand washing sink is not accessible, chemical bottles not labeled, unpackaged fish and shrimp found adulterated in freezer and not completely frozen)
9 Non-Critical Violations (multiple products not stored 6 inches off the floor, bowl is being used to scoop beans does not prevent contamination, Freezers need defrosted doors are not closing, mold forming on ceiling near air vents, soap not available at handwashing sink, no paper towels at handwashing sink, cove molding falling off wall/electrical wires hanging from ceiling, facility needs cleaned more frequently, no operating plans for walk in cooler that is offsite)
Sgt Rick’s American Grill
No Violations, Facility approved to reopen after self-closing for the winter.
6705 N St Rd 135, Freetown
6528 N Co Rd 400 E, Seymour
1 Critical (Evidence of rodent activity found on the shelves)
1 Non-Critical (Premises needs cleaned more frequently)
3 Non-Critical (Leak on the mop sink in back area, Exhaust hood needs cleaned more frequently, paper towels must be at hand washing sink at all times)
2 Non-Critical (large gap under rear entrance door, premises needs cleaned more frequently)
1 Critical (Bagged trash being stored in restroom creating a pest harborage area)
2 Non-Critical (Trash can overflowing in employee break area, Dumpster is overflowing)
P.O. Box 2191, Terre Haute
Approved for temporary booth at Darlage Custom Meats
205 N O’Brien St, Seymour
Follow up (all previous violations corrected)